Stone Assistance works for several years on the study of the performance of small diameter drill bits (<1 cm) particularly in the context of the characterization of mechanical properties of materials by micro-drilling technique.
With this experience, two drilling benches were developed to study the performance of drill bits and coring.
These test benches used to test both prototype tools as tools commercially available.
Our approach is :
Characterization of the mechanical properties of rocks
Performance characterization tools by laboratory test drilling
Definition of optimum drilling parameters
Performance monitoring on site using onboard instrumentation on the drilling machine
Laboratory drilling tests determine the performance (penetration rate and specific energy ) that can be achieved with a tool according to the technological
parameters which are taxed ( weight on bit and rotational speed ) . The establishment of a characteristic of the tool eventually to define precisely the optimum drilling parameters , as well as
the necessary power. Comparing the responses of various drilling tools also select the tool that is most efficient .
Comparison of the response curves of the same tools
Stone Assistance is based on this experimental approach both to define drill parameters to be respected , as to suggest changes to the design of tools , or select items to place on the cutting tools. In all cases , the objectives are to improve drilling performance.
Stone Assistance also offers its services for instrumentation and performance monitoring of drilling machines in order to allow operators to increase the performance of their drilling equipment.
For more information on the developed method , we recommend the following article
- F. Dagrain, E. Lamine, R. Delwiche, N. Golard. Characterization of the performances of small diameter drill bits for the optimization of the drilling parameters. 2nd International Conference on Stone and Concrete Machining (ICSCM), Dortmund, Germany, 14-15 November 2013.
Contact us ,and we will send you a copy of this publication.
Stone Assistance SRL
Dr Ir Fabrice Dagrain
+32 (0)494 89 32 51
BE 0546.726.939
Siège social
Clos des Botteresses 4
B-4317 Viemme
Siège d'exploitation - Labo
Rue du Joncquois 53
B-7000 Mons