Although rock cutting mechanisms have been studied for many years, significant improvements in the technology are still possible through the development of rigorous scientific approaches.
The understanding of the basic mechanisms of cutting a single tool is essential to interpret the process of cutting any sawing. The integration of these mechanisms in complex processes to detect mechanical problems before they occur.
The detailled scientific approach developed by Stone Assistance is based on experimental studies in laboratory instrumentation coupled machines in quarries or stonemasons. This approach has already been validated for the development of a new configuration of cutting tools for cutting machinery chain.
Our experience
The development of test benches
The comparative study of the performance tool
The instrumentation of the natural stone processing machines
The study of machinery performance in view of increasing their effectiveness
Stone Assistance SRL
Dr Ir Fabrice Dagrain
+32 (0)494 89 32 51
BE 0546.726.939
Siège social
Clos des Botteresses 4
B-4317 Viemme
Siège d'exploitation - Labo
Rue du Joncquois 53
B-7000 Mons