The methodology for characterizing geomaterials has already been used for various applications in ornamental stone quarries or aggregates, but also for large civil works or dredging.


In every case study, the material was available in quantity limited, came from deep or distant lands.

                                    CHARACTERIZATION OF NATURAL STONE

White marble characterization of the old Career Pont Canavese whose marble was used at the end of the eighteenth century in particular by the Collino brothers for making statues adorning the royal tombs in the crypt of the Savoy

Tuffeau de Lucet characterization and its comparison of physical and mechanical properties to those of other tuffeau(tuffeau Lincent, of Tuffeau Ciply, Tuffeau Maastricht ...) used in the past for the construction of monuments in Belgium.

                                             PREDICTION MILLS PERFORMANCE

Characterization methods used by StoneAssistance is well adapted to characterize materials in careers of rock  granulate.

Recent works have even demonstrated a strong correlation between the energy performance of crushers and grinders and some mechanical properties of materials. This work thus opens new perspectives in terms sizing of grinding and crushing equipment.

                                                       STUDY BALLAST RAILWAY

The physico-mechanical characterization of aggregates used for ballast of railway tracks Assistance with the Stone method enabled prove that it was possible to provide

relevant information on the characteristics of the material from aggregates. The properties measured using the techniques to Stone Assistance appear strongly correlated with other more traditional measures such the Los Angeles test. 

                                                  STUDY OF DRILLING CORES

Rock samples are generally taken in the context of various civil engineering projects, construction, geotechnical or mining recognition. Stone Assistance has developed its characterization techniques to work on this type of

materials. Some properties can be continuously measured along the samples so it is possible to dispose truly integrated surveys in modeling software basement or mine planning.

                                                STUDY MATERIALS ROCK DAMS

Stone assistance has already had the opportunity to offer

its services for riprap projects dams. Comparative study of characteristics physico-mechanical various materials

rocky selects careers that will provide the most durable material most suited to the application.

                                   MATERIALS STUDY FOR DREDGING COMPANY

 Dredging operations are regularly conducted worldwide to deepen the seabed and estuaries of major rivers or expand certain channels.

Stone Assistance offers services to dredging companies who seek to study materials collected as part of study


Stone Assistance has already been able to perform many expertises on materials from various European countries (Germany, Cyprus, France, Italy, Great Britain, Greece), Africa (Algeria, Angola, Ghana, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique), Middle East (Abu Dhabi, Qatar), America Latin (Chile, Colombia, Panama), Oceania (Australia), and Asia (China, India, Philippine). The most famous event is by far the deepening of the Panama Canal.