- L. Van Parijs, F. Dagrain, C. Coudyzer, T. Descamps. The scratching test for on-site determination of historical mortars : method and preliminary results. 1st International Symposium on Mortars Technology, May 23-25, 2005, Florianopolis, Brazil.
- L. Van Parijs, F. Dagrain, C. Coudyzer, S. Datoussaïd. On-site determination of compressive strength for historical mortars with the scratching test : method and preliminary results. 10th Canadian Masonry Symposium, June 8-12, 2005, Alberta, Canada.
- L. Van Parijs, F. Dagrain, D. Lamblin, S. Datoussaïd. Compressive strength of historical mortars : on-site determination using the scratching test. ASEC 2005, September 11-14, 2005, Newcastle, Australia.
- L. Van Parys, F. Dagrain. Scratching test applied for on-site determination of compressive strength on historical mortars. The 7th National Congress on theoretical and applied Mechanics NCTAM 2006, May 29-30, 2006, Faculté Polytechnique de Mons, Mons, Belgium.
- L. Van Parys, F. Dagrain, T. Descamps, C. Coudyzer. Scratching test for compressive strength determination : method and preliminary results on historical mortars. 7th International Masonry Conference – 2006 (7IMC), The Institution of Civil Engineers, One Great George Street, London, October 30th, 31st and November 1st 2006.
- F. Dagrain, T. Descamps, J.C. Scaillet. The Scratching test, an alternative technique for determining strength properties of historical mortars. In Proc. HMC08 Historical Mortars Conference. Characterization, Diagnosis, Conservation, repair and Compatibility. September 24-26, 2008, Lisbon, Portugal.
- M. Demelenne, J.C. Scaillet, F. Dagrain, T. Descamps. Research project on ancient and contemporary lime mortars in the walloon region (Belgium). In Proc. HMC08 Historical Mortars Conference. Characterization, Diagnosis, Conservation, repair and Compatibility. September 24-26, 2008, Lisbon, Portugal.
- F. Dagrain, J.C. Scaillet, M. Demellenne. Mechanical characterization of historical and contemporary lime based mortars using a scratching technique. 8th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (NCTAM2009) – VUB, 28-29 mai 2009.
- F. Dagrain, J. Noel. Use of scratching techniques to characterize the strength of materials in historic masonry structures. 3rd edition of the Euro Mediterranean Symposium on Advances in Geomaterial and Structures, Djerba, Tunisia, 10 to 12 may 2010.
- F. Dagrain, M. Demelenne, J.C. Scaillet. Wide-scale program on the suitability of mortar formulations for interventions on heritage buildings in the Walloon region. 8th International Masonry Conference 2010, Dresden, Germany, 4 to 7th July 2010.
- F. Dagrain, T. Descamps. Less-destructive testing of masonry materials : a comparison between scratching and drilling approaches. 8th International Masonry Conference, Dresden, Germany, 4 to 7th July 2010.
- M. Demelenne , F. Dagrain , JC. Scaillet. Development of a methodology for the characterization of historical mortars in the Walloon Region (Belgium). 2nd Historic Mortars Conference, Prague, September 2010.
- F. Dagrain. Caractérisation physico-mécanique des matériaux historiques : Application aux matériaux du patrimoine bâti. Archéométrie 2011, Université de Liège, Liège, 11-15 avril 2011.
- V. Vitry, F. Dagrain, F. Delaunois, L. Van Parys. Characterization of the consolidation effect of ethyl silicate on Maastricht limestone. ConserStone 2011 – Conservation of Stone Heritage, Orléans, 7-8 Juillet 2011.
- M. Theodoridou, F. Dagrain, I. Ioannou. Correlation of physico-mechanical properties of heritage materials using standardised methodologies and non-standardised micro-destructive techniques. ConserStone 2011 – Conservation of Stone Heritage, Orléans, 7-8 Juillet 2011.
- F. Dagrain. Nouvelles techniques de caractérisation de la pierre naturelle dans le cadre de travaux de restauration. Pierre Actual, Volume 897, Septembre 2011, pp. 76-85.
- L. Van Parys, F. Dagrain, L. Leoskool. The recourse to cutting-based tomography for quantifying the surface strengthening of altered stones. ICDS12 – International Conference Durable Structures : from construction to rehabilitation, Lisbon Portugal, 31st May – 1st June 2012.
- F. Dagrain, J.C. Scaillet, S. Modestou, I.Ioannis. Evaluation of the effectiveness of masonry consolidation treatments based on scratching tomography. 15th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference, Florianopolis, Brazil, June 3rd-6th, 2012.
- F. Dagrain, J.C. Scaillet, S. Modestou, I. Ioannou. Evaluation of the effectiveness of masonry consolidation treatments based on scratching tomography. Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Volume 7, N°5 (Serial N°66), May 2013, pp. 566-574.
- F. Dagrain. Présentation et application d’une méthodologie de caractérisation physico-mécanique de petits échantillons pour l’étude des matériaux du patrimoine bâti. Archeosciences, revue d’archéométrie, 36, 2012, pp. 191-208.
- F. Dagrain. Études préalables dans le cadre de restauration ou de réhabilitation d'ouvrages patrimoniaux. Cas de l'Église Saint-Christophe de Racour. in Duperroy F. & Desmet Y., 2015. Les portails romans de la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Tournai : Contextualisation et restauration. Études et Documents, Monuments et Sites, 12, pp. 137-146.
Stone Assistance SRL
Dr Ir Fabrice Dagrain
+32 (0)494 89 32 51
BE 0546.726.939
Siège social
Clos des Botteresses 4
B-4317 Viemme
Siège d'exploitation - Labo
Rue du Joncquois 53
B-7000 Mons